Gun Crimes Attorneys in Tulsa
We Can Defend you against Felony Charges!
The right to keep and bear arms is protected by both the U.S. and Oklahoma constitutions, but there are still many laws that govern who can own a gun and how guns can be bought, used, and transported in the state. If you are charged with a gun crime, you may be facing anything from a relatively minor misdemeanor to a serious felony with decades or life in prison.
How We Can Help
At Enlow Law, we help clients defend against criminal accusations after they’ve been arrested for a gun crime. Whether your accusers believe you possessed or used a gun in an unlawful manner, or while committing another crime, our Attorneys in Tulsa can support your defense. With our assistance, you may be able to mitigate your responsibility for allegations against you or achieve the best possible outcome under the given circumstances.
Rest assured that Enlow Law’s attorneys provide each client with the personalized legal support they need. If you are facing charges for any kind of gun crime, reach out to us for a consultation.
Get in touch with our lawyers today by calling (918) 212-5359 or by contacting us online.
Felony Gun Crimes in Oklahoma
Although Oklahoma is more relaxed in its gun laws than other states may be, there are still plenty of laws that make it a felony to use or possess a gun under certain circumstances.
There are obvious examples of crimes involving guns that are felonies, such as using them with the intent to kill or injure, or while committing a separate felony at the same time. It is also felonious for those previously convicted of a separate felony to possess a firearm, as well as delinquents and undocumented immigrants.
Other criminal acts that may be charged as felonies include the following:
- Giving firearms to someone who cannot legally own one
- Pointing a loaded or unloaded gun to frighten, threaten, or cause injury
- Firing a gun into a house, business, or public building
- Owning or manufacturing prohibited types of ammunition
- Carrying a gun into a place where liquor is consumed, regardless of permits for open or concealed carry
As a reminder, a felony is punishable by at least one year in state or federal prison with the potential for life sentences. That means a conviction of any of the crimes described above and others can mean years of your life behind bars and never being allowed to own a gun again.
Needless to say, being charged with a felony gun crime is a very serious situation involving strict penalties. If you have been charged, reach out to our gun crimes attorneys in Tulsa for help. We can defend against your charges and potentially mitigate your responsibility for criminal accusations against you.
Can Domestic Violence Charges Affect Gun Ownership Rights?
In Oklahoma, being charged or convicted of domestic violence can have serious repercussions beyond just criminal penalties. One of the most significant consequences is the loss of the right to own or possess firearms. Under both federal and state laws, individuals convicted of domestic violence-related offenses are generally prohibited from owning or possessing firearms, even if the conviction is for a misdemeanor rather than a felony.
Oklahoma state law imposes additional restrictions on firearm possession for individuals facing domestic violence charges. A conviction for domestic violence, even without the use of a firearm during the incident, will result in the loss of the right to possess a gun. Moreover, if an individual is subject to a final protective order, they are prohibited from possessing firearms for the duration of the order. This applies even before a conviction if the protective order is related to a domestic violence claim.
Restoring gun rights after a domestic violence conviction is extremely difficult, and in most cases, the only way to regain those rights is to have the conviction pardoned or overturned.
Can Someone Be Charged with a Gun Crime if They Weren't Using the Firearm?
Yes, an individual can be charged with a gun crime in Oklahoma even if they were not actively using the firearm at the time of the offense. Simply possessing a firearm under certain circumstances is enough to lead to criminal charges. Oklahoma law has strict regulations regarding who can own or possess a firearm and where firearms can be carried. A violation of these laws can result in charges, even if the firearm is not used in a threatening or violent manner.
For example, individuals who have been convicted of a felony are prohibited from owning or possessing firearms. This restriction applies regardless of the type of felony, whether violent or non-violent.
Similarly, carrying a firearm in prohibited locations, such as schools, government buildings, or bars, can lead to criminal charges. In these cases, the fact that the firearm was not discharged or even brandished is irrelevant. The mere possession of the firearm in a restricted area is enough to result in significant penalties.
Furthermore, individuals who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not permitted to possess firearms. Being caught with a firearm while intoxicated can lead to charges, even if the firearm was not used or displayed. These laws are designed to prevent potential harm and ensure public safety.
Contact Us for Legal Assistance
At Enlow Law, we can help people who are accused of serious crimes, including felonies. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, reach out to us for help. Our gun crimes attorneys in Tulsa offer a free initial consultation to help you understand how our services may help you with your legal situation.
For more information about how Enlow Law’s lawyers can help you, please call immediately or submit an online contact form to reach out to someone who can assist you.